It's only natural (and delightfully cliche) to spend the last few days of any year reflecting on where the last 365 days have taken you - what you've learned and what you've lost - and, of course, how you will do it all differently next year.
When I think about my last year, I hear "life is too short to be unhappy" echoing in my mind. I am pretty sure whoever penned that particular cliche was born into money. I say that not because I think money makes you happy (I watch enough Real Housewives of ... everywhere... to know that's not the case), but because for most people (myself included), the idea of following your passion - although theoretically delightful - can seem overwhelming, exhausting and financially implausible. If it wasn't so, wouldn't we all own a doggy daycare or margarita stand on the beach by now???
Even for the fearless, pursuing your passion requires... well, finding it. Most of 2012, for me, has been devoted to this tiresome task - in between long work days, errands, cooking dinner, paying bills and some sort of social life, thoughts of what-to-do-next have consumed my thoughts. At times, it has been somewhat of a part-time job, brainstorming, researching, and often discarding life-ideas only to begin again.
This summer, amidst my soul-searching and self-doubt, Ben and I did a New England road trip. While in Boston, I got a fortune from a street performer. I opened it and found the message pictured above. I found this so... appropriate, almost prescient... and decided to take the advice.
Based on a timeline I have yet to reveal (or finalize), 2013 is shaping up to be a year of great change. There will be risk, and with that, great anxiety and fear, but, potentially, great reward. At the very least, I think it might make a good story - and that's what I'm doing here. I hope to share this journey with all who read in a way that may just inspire you to make a change too. Stay tuned...

{This is a photo that I took this past summer while Ben and I were on a road trip throughout New England. When I look at it, it sort of reminds me of life -- and the idea that we are just along for the ride... that's how I'm feeling about life right now anyway :)}
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