I hate vegetables. Much like a toddler, my palate is limited and I primarily enjoy vegetables that taste like dessert (like sweet potatoes). Then again, I love truffles and foie gras so I guess I save any sophisticated tastes I have for rich and fattening things.
Anyway, it seems like part of growing up and improving myself would have to be improving my diet, which would certainly mean extending the vegetable food group past mac n cheese and cinnamon apples (if you didnt know those were vegetables you need to get to a Cracker Barrel, stat).
Naturally I am not going to begin eating broccoli or brussels sprouts or anything crazy -but, I did get a juicer! This way, I can drink my way healthy... kinda like when I drink my dinner, which typically involves alcohol and is, well, different...
Anyway, juicing is supposed to be really good for you so I decided to give it a try. I went to the Farmers Market on Sunday -
{as a side note, while walking with Ollie to the farmer's market, I managed
to lose my ATM card somewhere between the ATM and 50-feet-away-
from-the-ATM and later a homeless man found it in the garbage can
and turned it in to my apartment, which is nearby, in hopes that it
belonged to someone who lived there. I believe this, of course, to be
good karma due to my good deeds with the poor. I also have
told this story the last two times I used my debit card, as it doesn't really
work that well anymore when you swipe it. The story has so far been
met- twice- with disgust, which I didn't anticipate, but makes sense when
you are telling a story about your card being found in the trash by a
homeless man to the person holding the card and yah...}
-and picked up supplies for a week's worth of juicing - only $20 (and it did last me the whole week, for one juice a day). This is confirmation that you don't have to be a wealthy Whole-Foods-its to do the juice thing.
I found my juice recipes here:
I found my juice recipes here:
So far, I have tried Greens and Strawberry Field.

Strawberry Field was also good - I used extra strawberries just because I had them- and the carrots produced so much juice. I think I forgot how large carrots really are since the only ones I ever buy are the baby ones I dip in hummus. I cut the tops off the strawberries and the carrots.
And this is my juicer... you can see the pulp on the left and the juice on the right. One thing I did learn from my test run is that although the process of juicing was actually relatively easy, it is the clean-up that is kind of annoying. I think in the future I am going to try to juice on Sundays for the whole week and just put them in water bottles or something so I don't have to do it every day. I did find that the drinks filled me up pretty well with all the fiber and although I wasn't trying to make them meal replacements, they easily could be.
In other health-nut-bandwagon news, I managed to work out three days this week... an all-time record... for 2013. This yoga class I've been going to is definitely the hottest yoga class I've ever been to, which is kind of intense. It's the kind of thing where you really want to go in just a sports bra and tiny shorts because it is so so so hot, but you look at yourself in the mirror before class and you're like... hell no, not in public. And then, in the middle of the class, you're so hot, and so in the namaste-sweaty-moment that you think you can take your shirt off... and then you do your first forward bend and see part of your stomach hanging over with all those six-packs around and you just thing.... ok-no. Yesterday I actually had a dinner date with Ben after class because we had a Groupon that needed spending before its expiration date... so I brought extra clothes with me and jumped in the shower at the yoga gym... and realized I forgot to bring a bra. My sports bra was drenched thanks to the sweatygoodness of this yoga class, so I definitely went to dinner without.
I just thought I should end this post by announcing that I am writing this post about my temporary health-nut status while drinking bourbon on the rocks. I didn't say I became not fun.
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